ThunderCats” is a popular animated television series that originally aired in the 1980s. The show follows the adventures of a group of humanoid cat-like aliens who escape the destruction of…
ThunderCats” is a popular animated television series that originally aired in the 1980s. The show follows the adventures of a group of humanoid cat-like aliens who escape the destruction of…
“Tomb Raider,” also known as “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” between 2001 and 2008, is a media franchise that originated with an action-adventure video game series created by British gaming company…
During the last desperate days of WWII, a solitary prospector (Jorma Tommila) crosses paths with Nazis on a scorched-earth retreat in northern Finland. When the Nazis steal his gold, they…
Kong: Skull Island is a 2017 American monster film directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts. It is a reboot of the King Kong franchise and serves as the second film in Legendary’s…
Fifty Shades of Grey is a 2015 American erotic romantic drama film directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson, with a screenplay by Kelly Marcel. The film is based on E. L. James’…
Commando” (1985), directed by Mark L. Lester, is a quintessential action film of the 1980s, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger at the peak of his action hero status. The movie follows retired…
Aladdin is a 2019 American musical fantasy comedy film produced by Walt Disney Pictures. Directed by Guy Ritchie, from a script he co-wrote with John August, it is a live-action/CGI…
F9 (also known as Fast & Furious 9) is an upcoming American action film directed by Justin Lin, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Daniel Casey. It is the sequel…
Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man makes his Marvel Cinematic Universe return in a Spider-Man 4 theory, and if it turns out to be accurate, Marvel Studios would have one of…
With over a decade under its belt, The Conjuring 4 will bring the mainline horror franchise to a close, and the release date has now been revealed for the fourquel.…